GK3. The Khyber Pass is located between Pakistan and which neighboring country? University Of Sindh mcqs test




GK3. The Khyber Pass is located between Pakistan and which neighboring country?

a) Iran

b) India

c) China

d) Afghanistan

ANSWER: d) Afghanistan


The Khyber Pass is a mountain pass located in the northwest region of Pakistan, close to the border with Afghanistan. It cuts through the eastern end of the Spin Ghar mountain range and serves as a crucial route connecting the Indian subcontinent with Central Asia and the Middle East. The pass runs through the Khyber Agency, part of the former Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) in Pakistan. Historically, the Khyber Pass has been a significant strategic and trade route, facilitating the movement of people, goods, and armies throughout history. Today, it remains an important transportation corridor for trade and commerce between Pakistan and Afghanistan.

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